Thursday, July 26, 2012

Well I guess I'm still taking it, a little.

Well, the first week was a little rough.  Change is hard!  And since I ate out at least one meal every day, keeping the portion sizes down was hard.  BUT!  I didn't eat any candy all week!! Until Tuesday. When the trauma of the fire at our book club caused me to eat a handful of peanut M&M's.  But I did do a little bit of exercise every day last week, mostly this consisted of going into my storage room at work and closing the door and doing jumping jacks.  Its so HOT here!  (Insert whine)  It's impossible to walk or exercise outside (for me) when its 90 degrees.  It just is.  Since I don't sweat, and I just turn as red as a tomato and steam inside my skin, I get extremely uncomfortable.  So I walked every morning except Tuesday when it was pouring and I did some of the exercises from my Pinterest workout and I ate either a good lunch or a good dinner.  I think that's ok progress.  This weekend will be really hard as its a horse show weekend.  This means fast food for lunch and nothing else all day except snacks from the hospitality table.  And no exercise. Maybe I can bring something healthy in my cooler.  At least the weather will be glorious.  80s and sunny is my kind of summer!  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I just cant take it any more for realz

OK.  I'm pissed.  It's time to get serious.  The HORRIBLE number that jumped out at me on the scale at the doctor's office yesterday scared the shit out of me and so I think I am now really REALLY ready to get to work and lose this weight.  Two of my friends (at least) are getting their act together; one very publicly (go Friedman!), and one only recently (you know who you are and YOU are going to rock this!!).  If they can do it, so can I.

We are a fat country.  Its a fact.  I am a fat girl.  That is also a fact.  And I am sick of being fat.  I am sick of buying large size underwear and 38D bras.  I said damn; that's a BIG number.  It's not that I don't like my now huge-size boobs.  They're fine.  It's the huge-size belly that has accompanied them that is the major problem. It's also the fact that bras are fucking expensive and I don't want to have to keep buying bigger ones.  I have put on 60 lbs since high school.  That is A LOT OF WEIGHT.  Goddammit.

So here is my plan.  I've already been walking in the mornings.  Now, its only about 13 minutes, but I have been doing it consistently since October.  I only miss when it's raining.  I am resolving to walk at work as time and weather permit, and also walk at home in the evenings.  I have a ready-made destination in my garden plot, and God knows my tomatoes could use the daily waterings.  I also have started to do a workout I found on Pinterest,  I will resolve to continue doing that too.  I will also try and cut out refined sugar in the form of candy and to also reduce my portion sizes.  And servings.  Shit, this already sounds too hard.

I'm lazy.  That is a fact.  This is going to be really hard.  That is also a fact.  I would much rather lay on my couch with my cat and watch TV when I get home than exercise, especially when its 102 degrees at 8pm.  I would much rather sit at my computer and play Farmville than get up and walk after lunch.  Ugh.  This sucks.  But being fat sucks more.  

I can do this.  I can.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Really, Target?

Are you fucking kidding me right now? You have one lane open? It's after work and everyone is stopping for their milk and cat food and you have one lane open. And this kid is too stupid to call for back up. Awesome.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W 79th St,Bloomington,United States

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I have too much to say

I hope you'll bear with me.  I want to say too many things and I don't want to clog your news feed on Facebook.  I'm starting here.  I'll see if I want to switch to Twitter.  I'm leaning towards no since I can't get the name I want.

I have too much to say and I have to get it out.  We'll see how it goes.

Most of my posts will begin and end with ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW so this is probs not a place for your kiddies.  Besides, I hate kids, so keep them away from me anyways.